49 Ways You Can Get Involved in the Pro-Life Movement!
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1. Attend Pro-Life Events
- Get on the email list of organizations like: Pro-Life Action League, Illinois Right to Life, and Pro-Life Future.
2. Stay Educated
- Abort73.com: Great site for abortion facts and statistics.
- Secular Pro-Life: Excellent source of non-religious arguments and information www.secularprolife.org
3. Host a Pro-Life movie night at your church or home:
- Find a list of Pro-Life movies, both documentaries and fiction, at www.studentsforlife.org/pro-life-movies/
4. Start a monthly/weekly Pro-Life book club:
- Find a list of Pro-Life books at www.bit.ly/prolifebooks and get your friends together!
5. Support a Pregnancy Resource Center – financially, by donating goods, or volunteering
- There are many across the state of Illinois. Find one near you at www.illinoisrighttolife.org/pregnancy-center/
6. Support a home for women in crisis pregnancies – financially, donating goods, or volunteering
- The Well of Mercy, Father McGivney Center of Hope and Healing: Chicago, 773-655-469 www.thewellofmercy.com
- Heather’s House and Monica’s House: Des Plaines and Chicago, 847-795-3700 www.helpaidforwomen.org
7. Join prayer vigils at abortion facilities going on almost any day of the week
- NorthWest Families for Life: Organizes prayer vigils at facilities in Wood Dale and Des Plaines. Keeps an up-to-date
list of prayer vigils at other Chicagoland clinics. 847-651-4877 www.NorthWestFamiliesforLife.weebly.com
- 40 Days for Life: A world-wide campaign to end abortion through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigils at clinics. There
are two campaigns a year: one in the spring during Lent and one in the fall. www.40daysforlife.com
And Many Other Ways:
8. Support Chastity Education.
- The Archdiocese of Chicago sponsors chastity education for teens. www.respectlifechicago.org
- Abstinence & Marriage Partnership offers curriculum for schools. www.ampartnership.org
9. Support groups for families with a prenatal diagnosis. www.prenatalpartnersforlife.org
10. Share about life-affirming Infertility Support. www.springsinthedesert.org
11. Patronize Pro-Life Doctors. Find one at American Association of Pro-Life Ob/Gyns. www.aaplog.org
12. Share Pro-life links on your Facebook page, like the home page of www.AbortionFacts.com .
13. Attend funerals for abandoned babies or sew “angel gowns”. www.RestInHisArms.org
14. Donate pro-life books and magazine subscriptions to public schools and libraries.
15. Write letters to the editor and letters of encouragement to pro-life politicians.
16. Talk to your pastor about preaching pro-life. www.cherishlifeministries.com will send you a free DVD titled
“Pastor’s Letter” to give to your pastor. Or contact Churches for Life www.getintolife.org
17. Learn about Natural Family Planning through technology at www.naprotechnology.com or www.CCLI.org
18. Spiritually Adopt a Baby: Commit to praying a special prayer every day for nine months for a specific baby who is
in danger of being aborted. Great for youth groups! www.spiritualadoption.org
19. Support pro-life candidates and inform others. Illinois Family Institute publishes a non-partisan voter’s guide
which shows candidates’ answers to various key questions. www.illinoisfamily.org
20. Knit baby booties for sidewalk counselors to bring to abortion clinics to show women the reality of the baby
growing inside of them. Contact Maria at [email protected] for a pattern.
21. Organize seniors at nursing homes to pray for people who are at vigils. Call one of the contact people for a vigil
and get names of sidewalk counselors and the hours they are there. Update the seniors on saves and needs.
22. Wear a “Precious Feet” pin every day. Order from www.heritagehouse76.com
23. Support Thomas More Society. Not-for-profit law firm defending life, family and religious liberty. If you ever feel
like your religious rights are in danger, contact these amazing lawyers. www.thomasmoresociety.org
24. Join your church Respect Life team and/or start a pro-life club in your church or school.
25. Participate in “Face the Truth” Tour every summer with the Pro-Life Action League www.prolifeaction.org.
26. Talk about the pro-life message with others. Get the information you need to do this confidently in the booklet,
Sharing the Pro-Life Message. Order from Pro-Life Action League: www.prolifeaction.org
27. Use pro-life checks. Order from www.prolifechecks.com
28. Wear Pro-Life Shirts. Find unique designs with thought-provoking slogans www.prolifetshirts.com
29. Donate to Gigi’s Playhouse: For families and individuals with down syndrome from prenatal through all ages. Each
playhouse provides educational and therapeutic programs at no cost to families. www.gigisplayhouse.org
30. Only support life-affirming charities: American Life League’s Charity Watchlist. www.all.org/get-involved
31. Get trained as a sidewalk counselor. Women seeking abortion are in great need of someone at the clinic to give
them hope. www.sidewalkadvocatesforlife.org.
32. Stock-up on pro-life products to share. Heritage House sells great pro-life literature, DVDs, displays, fetal models,
bumper stickers, T-shirts, hats, you name it! www.hh76.com
33. Post-Abortive Healing: Project Rachel- Provides support groups for women and men experiencing the sorrow and
guilt of abortion, leading them to discover the forgiveness of God. www.hopeafterabortion.org 1-888-456-HOPE
34. And Then There Were None: Former PP Director Abby Johnson started this group to help others like her leave the
abortion industry. Print letters to hand out to employees or send to clinics. www.abortionworker.com
35. Invite NorthWest Families for Life to speak at your next group meeting to share stories from the frontlines of
abortion clinics as sidewalk counselers. Call Laura: 847-651-4877 or email [email protected]
36. Talk to your children/grandchildren about abortion. Start when they are very young with knowledge about babies
in the womb, such as “The baby’s heart beats at 18 days.” As they get older, use prayer like Spiritual Adoption to
invite questions. Get more tips here: www.priestsforlife.org/preaching/prchild.html
37. Pro-life Mobile Phone Service. Use "Charity Mobile" and 5% of your monthly bill will be sent to the pro-life charity
of your choice and you still have all the benefits of the major providers. www.prolifecatholic.com
38. Only shop Pro-Life. Avoid patronizing companies that donate to Planned Parenthood or are anti-life in their
practices. See a list at www.2ndvote.com
39. Host a baby goods drive or diaper drive at your church one weekend and donate goods to a Pregnancy Center.
40. Stay informed about legislation by getting on the email list of Illinois Family Institute. www.illinoisfamily.org
41. Get Pro-life health insurance: www.prolifehealthplan.com, www.chministries.org, or Samaritan Ministries.
42. Buying or selling a home? Find a pro-life realtor who will make a donation to a pro-life organization
43. Encourage your college student to join or start a Students for Life group www.studentsforlife.org
44. Tell all the nurses you know to join National Assn. of Pro-Life Nurses: www.nursesforlife.org
45. Spread the word about the Baby Safe Haven Law. Share info with high school Child Development class teachers.
46. Create a legally binding Will to Live for you and your loved ones www.nrlc.org/uploads/willtolive/Illinois.pdf
47. Stand strong against Assisted Suicide with resources from former nurse Nancy Valko: www.NancyValko.com
48. Fight Human Trafficking with groups like www.rahabsdaughters.org or www.ourrescue.org
49. PRAY! Pray every day for a conversion of hearts and a renewed respect for the dignity of every human life.
- Get on the email list of organizations like: Pro-Life Action League, Illinois Right to Life, and Pro-Life Future.
2. Stay Educated
- Abort73.com: Great site for abortion facts and statistics.
- Secular Pro-Life: Excellent source of non-religious arguments and information www.secularprolife.org
3. Host a Pro-Life movie night at your church or home:
- Find a list of Pro-Life movies, both documentaries and fiction, at www.studentsforlife.org/pro-life-movies/
4. Start a monthly/weekly Pro-Life book club:
- Find a list of Pro-Life books at www.bit.ly/prolifebooks and get your friends together!
5. Support a Pregnancy Resource Center – financially, by donating goods, or volunteering
- There are many across the state of Illinois. Find one near you at www.illinoisrighttolife.org/pregnancy-center/
6. Support a home for women in crisis pregnancies – financially, donating goods, or volunteering
- The Well of Mercy, Father McGivney Center of Hope and Healing: Chicago, 773-655-469 www.thewellofmercy.com
- Heather’s House and Monica’s House: Des Plaines and Chicago, 847-795-3700 www.helpaidforwomen.org
7. Join prayer vigils at abortion facilities going on almost any day of the week
- NorthWest Families for Life: Organizes prayer vigils at facilities in Wood Dale and Des Plaines. Keeps an up-to-date
list of prayer vigils at other Chicagoland clinics. 847-651-4877 www.NorthWestFamiliesforLife.weebly.com
- 40 Days for Life: A world-wide campaign to end abortion through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigils at clinics. There
are two campaigns a year: one in the spring during Lent and one in the fall. www.40daysforlife.com
And Many Other Ways:
8. Support Chastity Education.
- The Archdiocese of Chicago sponsors chastity education for teens. www.respectlifechicago.org
- Abstinence & Marriage Partnership offers curriculum for schools. www.ampartnership.org
9. Support groups for families with a prenatal diagnosis. www.prenatalpartnersforlife.org
10. Share about life-affirming Infertility Support. www.springsinthedesert.org
11. Patronize Pro-Life Doctors. Find one at American Association of Pro-Life Ob/Gyns. www.aaplog.org
12. Share Pro-life links on your Facebook page, like the home page of www.AbortionFacts.com .
13. Attend funerals for abandoned babies or sew “angel gowns”. www.RestInHisArms.org
14. Donate pro-life books and magazine subscriptions to public schools and libraries.
15. Write letters to the editor and letters of encouragement to pro-life politicians.
16. Talk to your pastor about preaching pro-life. www.cherishlifeministries.com will send you a free DVD titled
“Pastor’s Letter” to give to your pastor. Or contact Churches for Life www.getintolife.org
17. Learn about Natural Family Planning through technology at www.naprotechnology.com or www.CCLI.org
18. Spiritually Adopt a Baby: Commit to praying a special prayer every day for nine months for a specific baby who is
in danger of being aborted. Great for youth groups! www.spiritualadoption.org
19. Support pro-life candidates and inform others. Illinois Family Institute publishes a non-partisan voter’s guide
which shows candidates’ answers to various key questions. www.illinoisfamily.org
20. Knit baby booties for sidewalk counselors to bring to abortion clinics to show women the reality of the baby
growing inside of them. Contact Maria at [email protected] for a pattern.
21. Organize seniors at nursing homes to pray for people who are at vigils. Call one of the contact people for a vigil
and get names of sidewalk counselors and the hours they are there. Update the seniors on saves and needs.
22. Wear a “Precious Feet” pin every day. Order from www.heritagehouse76.com
23. Support Thomas More Society. Not-for-profit law firm defending life, family and religious liberty. If you ever feel
like your religious rights are in danger, contact these amazing lawyers. www.thomasmoresociety.org
24. Join your church Respect Life team and/or start a pro-life club in your church or school.
25. Participate in “Face the Truth” Tour every summer with the Pro-Life Action League www.prolifeaction.org.
26. Talk about the pro-life message with others. Get the information you need to do this confidently in the booklet,
Sharing the Pro-Life Message. Order from Pro-Life Action League: www.prolifeaction.org
27. Use pro-life checks. Order from www.prolifechecks.com
28. Wear Pro-Life Shirts. Find unique designs with thought-provoking slogans www.prolifetshirts.com
29. Donate to Gigi’s Playhouse: For families and individuals with down syndrome from prenatal through all ages. Each
playhouse provides educational and therapeutic programs at no cost to families. www.gigisplayhouse.org
30. Only support life-affirming charities: American Life League’s Charity Watchlist. www.all.org/get-involved
31. Get trained as a sidewalk counselor. Women seeking abortion are in great need of someone at the clinic to give
them hope. www.sidewalkadvocatesforlife.org.
32. Stock-up on pro-life products to share. Heritage House sells great pro-life literature, DVDs, displays, fetal models,
bumper stickers, T-shirts, hats, you name it! www.hh76.com
33. Post-Abortive Healing: Project Rachel- Provides support groups for women and men experiencing the sorrow and
guilt of abortion, leading them to discover the forgiveness of God. www.hopeafterabortion.org 1-888-456-HOPE
34. And Then There Were None: Former PP Director Abby Johnson started this group to help others like her leave the
abortion industry. Print letters to hand out to employees or send to clinics. www.abortionworker.com
35. Invite NorthWest Families for Life to speak at your next group meeting to share stories from the frontlines of
abortion clinics as sidewalk counselers. Call Laura: 847-651-4877 or email [email protected]
36. Talk to your children/grandchildren about abortion. Start when they are very young with knowledge about babies
in the womb, such as “The baby’s heart beats at 18 days.” As they get older, use prayer like Spiritual Adoption to
invite questions. Get more tips here: www.priestsforlife.org/preaching/prchild.html
37. Pro-life Mobile Phone Service. Use "Charity Mobile" and 5% of your monthly bill will be sent to the pro-life charity
of your choice and you still have all the benefits of the major providers. www.prolifecatholic.com
38. Only shop Pro-Life. Avoid patronizing companies that donate to Planned Parenthood or are anti-life in their
practices. See a list at www.2ndvote.com
39. Host a baby goods drive or diaper drive at your church one weekend and donate goods to a Pregnancy Center.
40. Stay informed about legislation by getting on the email list of Illinois Family Institute. www.illinoisfamily.org
41. Get Pro-life health insurance: www.prolifehealthplan.com, www.chministries.org, or Samaritan Ministries.
42. Buying or selling a home? Find a pro-life realtor who will make a donation to a pro-life organization
43. Encourage your college student to join or start a Students for Life group www.studentsforlife.org
44. Tell all the nurses you know to join National Assn. of Pro-Life Nurses: www.nursesforlife.org
45. Spread the word about the Baby Safe Haven Law. Share info with high school Child Development class teachers.
46. Create a legally binding Will to Live for you and your loved ones www.nrlc.org/uploads/willtolive/Illinois.pdf
47. Stand strong against Assisted Suicide with resources from former nurse Nancy Valko: www.NancyValko.com
48. Fight Human Trafficking with groups like www.rahabsdaughters.org or www.ourrescue.org
49. PRAY! Pray every day for a conversion of hearts and a renewed respect for the dignity of every human life.
Learn all about walking with mom's in Need
What is it? - It is a pro-life initiative to make sure every pregnant woman and families have access to resources to support and assist moms in need.
Click HERE for the Northwest suburbs resource website for Walking with Mom's in Need. www.walkingwithmoms.weebly.com Click HERE to see the USCCB website explaining the program and how to use it at your church. https://www.walkingwithmoms.com/ |
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